TherapyMyWay is happy to offer virtual comprehensive psychological evaluations at your convenience via Zoom. We provide accurate diagnoses and recommendations to best fit your needs. 

What To Expect From Us:

The evaluation is administered, scored, and interpreted by certified professionals and psychologists via Zoom. You will meet for an initial interview, complete a full battery to assess intellectual, behavioral, and emotional functioning, receive a detailed report outlining the results, and conclude with a feedback session. You will be provided with a comprehensive explanation of the results, implications for diagnoses, and practical recommendations to support your mental well-being.

Types Of Assessments:

We provide diagnoses to support symptoms associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), intellectual disabilities, and psychological functioning. We utilize advanced instruments, materials, and techniques through our high-quality remote platform. 


We can help you if you are seeking diagnostic clarification, school/university accommodations, resources for support, and recommendations to improve your functioning. 


You must be 18 years or older to participate, and currently residing in the state of New York. You must have access to a private location with minimal distractions to meet via Zoom. 


TherapyMyWay does not accept insurance or third-party reimbursement for any testing services. Therefore, we can assure you that your results will be confidential and unbiased. We complete the entire process in a timely manner at a reduced cost of $2,000.